Wednesday, September 15

Fractions into decimals

Well i have tried to explain you two mathematical concept together today, i.e. how to turn fractions into decimals earlier we learn t about fractions and decimals.

Look for a simple example below.

Example 1:

3/11 =

11 ) 3.00

To change a fractions into decimal, you need to follow a single step that is firstly divide the numerator by the denominator.

Therefore 3/11 = 0.2727.

So, here we come to an end of a very important concept of mathematics which will help you learn the basic of mathematics. I also like the concept of algebra linear equations, i will work on that shortly.

Thursday, September 9

line graph generator

Let me brief you with number line generator, remember we worked on line graph, yes we did...

A line graph generator shows the data in the form of a line. Line graph is defined to compare the two variable .A l line graph generator has two axis that is vertical axis and horizontal axis . Each x and y variables are plotted along an axis. It used to show the changes over time .The x axis has number of time period similarly the y axis has numbers that is being measured. Its used when we have to graph the rainy season and so on.

Guys i will be back with more details on this concept until then you will have to wait. I will be using substitution method calculator when i work on substitution method shortly.

Friday, September 3

fundamental theorem of calculus

I have a simple example on fundamental theorem of calculus below. We have know hows to get calculus help previously and now look at some simple example using the fundamental theorem of calculus1.

Look at the above mentioned problem, it will help you in understanding the concept of calculus properly.

Let me come back with you with some more interesting topic in mathematics probably boolean algebra, how is it??:-)