Saturday, September 1

Irrational Factors


In mathematics,an irrational factor is a number that cannot put in the form of P/Q (i.e fraction of two integers), where P and Q are integers and Q is not equal to zero.Now such numbers that are not rational are termed as irrational.Irrational number (or factor)  is a set of real numbers.

Example:-  ,where x= 2,3,5 etc.

Any irrational factor may be represented as a non-terminating decimal or as a non-recurring decimal(a number in  which not allow repeated number up to infinity)  and conversely .This means, it has infinite expansion  which cannot be put as a fraction

.e.g:- .3333333........................   is a recurring infinite expansion  as 3 repeats itself infinitely.Now .333...........   can be put as a fraction ; hence it is a rational number.

Any root of an arithmetical numbers whose value cannot be accurately determined is called a surd.All surds are irrational numbers,but all irrational numbers are not surds.

Example:-  The base of logarithm e is irrational but not surd.The value of e =2.71828..... which is non-terminating and non-recurring decimal.

I am planning to write more post on simplify algebraic fractions, solve this math problem for me. Keep checking my blog.

Irrational Factors-rationalising Factors

Some times when we multiply two irrational number then there product becomes rational number.In this case each of the irrational number is called a RATIONALISING FACTOR to the  other.

Example:(i)(√3 ) x (√3 ) = [(√3)2] = 3,which is rational number.So,we can say that ,√3  is a rationalising factor of a √3 . 

(ii) (√3 + √2) x (√3 - √2) = [(√3)2 - (√2)2] = 3 - 2 = 1 which is a rational number.So we can say that , (√3 + √2) and (√3 - √2) are rationalising factors of each other. 

Properties of Irrational Factors

There are mainly three types of properties in  irrational factors.

1. ORDER Properties:-  For any irrational factors a,b any one of the following relationals is true


Again for a>b>c,we have a>c

or for                     a<b<c,we get a<c

2. ADDITIVE Properties:-For any irrational factors a,b,c all these relationals is true

(i) Commutative :-  a+b=b+a

(ii) Associative :- a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c

(iii) Identity(zero) :- a+0=0+a=a

(iv )Inverse :- a+ (-a)=0,Here (-a) is additive inverse of a.

(v) Cancellation :- If a+c=b+c then a=b

3. MULTICATIVE Properties:- For any irrational factors a,b,c all these relationals is true

(i) Commutative : a.b= b.a

(ii) Associative :- a.(b.c)=(a.b).c

(iii) Identity :- a X1=1X a=a

(iv) Inverse :- a.1/a = 1

(v) Cancellation :- If a.c = b.c then a=b

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