Thursday, January 24

Null Meaning

Introduction to Null Meaning

In mathematics, the word null meaning that zero or none. The zero elements in set or value of zero is said to be null set. This is symbolized as F. We are using this symbol for differentiating null from zero. We can also denote the null set as { }. In this article, we will see example problems of null meaning. Is this topic Correlation Coefficient Example hard for you? Watch out for my coming posts.

Example Problems - Null Meaning

Example 1:

Find the intersection of two sets P and Q, where P = {1,2,3,4} and Q = {5,6,7}.


Given sets are, P = {1,2,3,4} and Q = {5,6,7}.

We need to find intersection of sets P and Q.

That is represented as PnQ.

PnQ = {The common elements in P and Q}.

Here, There is no common element in P and Q.

Thus, PnQ = { }

The answer is null set.

Example 2:

Consider a set, P = {x: x2 = 16 and 3x = 10} is a null set.


Given, P = {x: x2 = 16 and 3x = 10}.

When, x = 4 => x2 = 42 = 16

But, 3x = 3(4) = 12.

Therefore, there is no numerical value that satisfies both conditions.

So, the set P is a null set. I have recently faced lot of problem while learning math help for college students, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

Example Problems - Null Meaning

Example 3:

Consider the set of rectangles that have five numbers of faces.


We know that, the total sides of rectangle = 4.

So, there is no rectangle shape that having 5 sides.

Set of rectangles that have five numbers of faces = { }.

Thus, the given condition is null set.

Example 3:

Consider the set of triangles that have seven numbers of faces.


We know that, the total sides of triangle = 3.

So, there is no triangle shape that having seven sides.

Then, Set of triangles that have seven numbers of faces = { }.

Thus, the given condition is null set.

That’s all about null meaning.

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