Monday, April 29

Basic Mathematics for College Students

Introduction to basic mathematics for college students:

There are certain math topics are appeared in college which we already read in school period.Those topics are very basics for college students.The following mathematics topics are basics for college students. They are, algebra problems, geometry measures, probability problems and linear equations. By referring those topics, the college students recall the concepts of the topics , so that they can do themselves. Let we see some basic problems to basic mathematics for college students.

Example problems to basic mathematics for college students:

The following problems are examples for basic mathematics for college students.

Basic mathematics - problem1) Solve the linear equation, 3a+6b-14 = 16, a+3b- 6 = 12.


Here we need to find the value of a and b,

The given equations are 3a+6b-14 =16 and a - 6b-6 =12

3a+6b-14 = 16

a  - 6b - 6  = 12.

We can write the above equation as

3a + 6b = 16+14

a - 6b  = 12+6

From the above equation, we get

3a + 6b = 30------------------------->1

a  - 6b  = 18------------------------->2

4a        = 48

4a = 48

Divide by 4 on both sides, we get

`(4a)/4` = `(48)/4`

a  = 12.

Apply the 'a' value in equation (1),we get

3a+6b= 30

3(12)+6b  = 30

36 + 6b    = 30.

Add -36 on both sides, we get

36-36 +6b = 30-36

6b = -6

Divide by 6 on both sides, we get

`(6b)/ 6` = -`6/ 6`

b  = -1.

The values of a and b are , 12 and -1.

Problem2) Find the value of  D , 2d+5e+6f = 80-4d+20, where e=2 and f=3


Here we have the value of e and f as  2 and 3.

Apply the values in the given equation,we get

2d +5e+6f = 80-4d+20

2d + 5 ( 2) +6(3) = 80-4d+20

2d +10 +18       = 80-4d+20

2d +28            = 80+20-4a

2d +4d         = 100 - 28

6d    = 72

Divide by 6 on both sides, we get

6d /6  = 72 /6

d    = 12

The value of d =12.

Problem3) Solve the following linear equation, 3p+3q = 18, 2p+3q = 14


Here we need to find the value for P and Q.

The given equations are

3p + 3q   =  18 -------->1

2p + 3q   =   14---------->2

By changing the sign of the second equation values, we can solve the above problem.

3p + 3q  =18

-2p - 3q  =14

p = 4

Apply the p value in equation (1) , we get

3 (4) + 3q  = 18

12 + 3q   = 18

Add -12 on both sides, we get

12-12 +3q = 18-12

3q = 6

Divide by 3 on both sides, we get

3q/3 = 6/3

q = 2

The values of m and q are , 4 and 2.

Problem 4:  If S and T values are 2 in the given equation , 10S +8T +6U = 78, find the value of U?


Given equation          = 10S + 8T + 6U = 78

Known values  are , S = T =  2

Apply S and T values in the above equation,we get

10S + 8T + 6U      = 78.

10(2) + 8(2) + 6U  = 78.

20 + 16 + 6U     = 78

36 + 6U     = 78

Add -36 on both sides, we get

36 - 36 + 6U = 78 - 36

6U    =  42

Divide by 6 on both sides, we get

6U/6  = 42/6

U = 7

The value of U= 7.

Looking out for more help on Exponential Growth Example in algebra by visiting listed websites.

Practice problems to basic mathematics for college students:

Try to solve the following mathematics problems.

Problem1) 2a+2b+4c = 10, a+3b+c = 22, 2a+3b+2c=14

Answer: a=-11,b=10,c=3.

Problem2) 4x + 6y = 28, 2x+4y=18

Answer : x = 1,y=4

ABC of Mathematics

Introduction to ABC of maths:

Mathematics plays a very important role in humans life. Mathematical thinking is very important for everyone. In every work of a human we need mathematics.

Humans use the mathematics in doing any work. For example consider:
Arithmetic:  in counting and sorting,
Geometry: in spacing and distancing,
Statics: in balancing and weighting,
Probability: in guessing and judging

ABC OF MATHS means the fundamentals and basics of mathematics.

Brief explanation of ABC of maths:

Number in mathematics is just a word or a symbol which is used for counting and also to say where something comes in a series.
Generally numbers are used for counting and calculating.

There are different kinds of numbers which includes: natural numbers, integers or whole numbers, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers etc.

Natural numbers start from the 1, 2………infinity. They form the endless chain.

Integers also form the endless chain and it includes negatives and zero also.
…….……..-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3……………..

Integers are also known as whole numbers.

Cardinal number shows how many there are. They are used for counting.

Ordinal numbers tells about the order of the object being counted. Places in a sequence are shown by ordinal numbers.

Rational numbers are the numbers which does not includes like an square root of 2. It includes the integers and fractions.

Real numbers are the numbers which also includes the numbers like square root of 2.

Complex numbers includes the imaginary numbers also like square root of -1.

There are also some special numbers included in ABC of mathematics. They include zero and Arabic number system. Zero is the number which was discovered by Indian and it is a great discovery without zero there is no value or reason of mathematics.
There are different kinds of scales which are used to classify and quantify and also to measure things. The different types of scales includes Binary scale, Nominal scale, Ordinal scale, Interval scale, Ratio scale
We also use roman numbers. FORMULA in mathematics is nothing but a rule.

Everyday Mathematics 5th Grade

Introduction to everyday mathematics 5th grade:

For 5th grade students mathematics is divided into different categories. In grade 5 students can learn Simplification using BODMAS, word problems, unitary methods, Multiples and factors, HCF and LCM, Multiplication and Division of fractional numbers and decimals. They also learn about money, percentage, profit and loss, Simple interest etc.They learn measurement of length, mass and capacity. In geometry they can learn about the types of angles, triangles, element of circle, relation between diameter and radius etc.

everyday mathematics 5th grade - Some Examples

In 5th grade we can learn everyday common mathematics as follows:

(1) Unitary Method: The simple rule of unitary method that if we are given the cost of one object, we can find the cost of many objects by multiplying the cost of one object with the number of objects and if we are given the cost of several objects, we an find the cost of one object by dividing the cost of several objects by the number of objects.

Example:  The weight of 25 bags of rice is 650 kg. Find the weight of hundred bags of rice?

Solution: since the weight of 25 bags of rice is 650kg.

Then the weight of 1 bag of rice is 650 ÷ 25


Then weight of 100 bags of rice is 26 x 100

2600 kg

Answer: weight of 100 bags of rice is 2600 kg.

(2) HCF and LCM:  We define the HCF as the highest common factor.HCF of two given numbers is the highest number that divides the given numbers exactly without leaving any remainder.

Example: Find HCF of 136, 170 and 255 by division method:

Solutions: First we find the HCF of 136 and 170




HCF of 136 and 170 = 34

Now we find the HCF of 34 and 255






HCF of 34 and 255 =17

Hence HCF of 136,170 and 255 = 17

LCM: The lowest common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest number which is a multiple of each of the numbers.

Example: Find the LCM of 20, 30 and 50 by division method:

2] 20, 30, 50

5] 10, 15, 25

2,   3,   5

LCM = 2x 5x 2x 3x 5 = 300

everyday mathematics 5th grade - more Examples

Decimal numbers: Conversion of a decimal fraction into fraction number:

Write the given number without a decimal point in the numerator.
Write 1 in the denominator followed by as many zeros as the decimal places.
Then write the resulting fraction in the lowest form.

(a)    1.5 = 15 / 10 =3 /2

(b)   54.972 = 54972 /1000

= 13743 / 250

Find the sum:

(a)    205.40, 80.75 and 1493.50

All decimal points should be in a column in the question and answer:

2 0 5.  40

80.  75

14 93 .50

1 7 7 9.65

Percent: Percent means for every hundred. To convert a % into fraction, place the given number over 100 and reduce it to its lowest term.

Example: 20% = 20 / 100

=  1/5

150% = 150/100


To find the percent of a given number:

Example: (a)   Find 50% of 75

50/100 x 75

= 75/2 = 37 ½ Ans.

(b)   What % is 25 of 200

25/200 x 100

=    12 ½ Ans.

Perfect Square Root Numbers

Introduction to perfect square root numbers:

Let us study about perfect square root numbers. Square root is defined as the method to get the given values number square.
The perfect square root numbers are also similar to what the simple square root mean, that the number when a multiply with itself forms a perfect square root number.
In mathematics all numbers as both positive and negative can have their perfect squares in positive terms. Examples are below.

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Perfect square root numbers:

Some of the examples of perfect square root numbers are as follows:
1^2 = 1, 2^2 = 4, 3^2 = 9, 4^2 = 16, 5^2 = 25, etc.

Example 1:

Find the perfect square root numbers for the numbers 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20


The perfect square root number for the number 12 = 12^2 = 12 * 12 = 144.
The perfect square root number for the number 14 = 14^2 = 14 * 14 = 196.
The perfect square root number for the number 16 = 16^2 = 16 * 16 = 256.
The perfect square root number for the number 18 = 18^2 = 18 * 18 = 324.
The perfect square root number for the number 12 = 12^2 = 20 * 20 = 200.

Is this topic What's a Prime Number hard for you? Watch out for my coming posts.

Example 2:

Find the numbers for the perfect square root numbers 441, 169, 361, 1089 and 625.


The number which gives the perfect square root number 441 = `sqrt(441)` = `sqrt(21*21)` = 21.
The number which gives the perfect square root number 169 = `sqrt(169)` = `sqrt(13*13)` = 13.
The number which gives the perfect square root number 361 = `sqrt(361)` = `sqrt(19*19)` = 19.
The number which gives the perfect square root number 1089 = `sqrt(1089)` = `sqrt(33*33)` = 33.
The number which gives the perfect square root number 625 = `sqrt(625)` = `sqrt(25*25)` = 25.


Find the perfect square root numbers for the numbers 15, 17, 22, 38 and 42. (Answer: 225, 289, 484, 1444 and 1764)
Find the numbers for the perfect square root numbers 484, 121, 676, 1156 and 2116. (Answer: 22, 11, 26, 34 and 46)

Wednesday, April 24

What is Mathematics Education

Introduction to mathematics education:

Mathematics education means study of the quantity, properties, and dealings of quantities and sets, using numbers and shapes. The major parts of mathematics are algebra, analysis, probability, set theory, and statistics. In this article we will study the education of mathematics and solve some of mathematics concepts with examples. Now we will solve the examples in algebra, probability, set theory and statistics what is mathematics education.

Examples - what is mathematics education:

Let us we will solve the problem in algebra for what is mathematics education.

Algebra - Example Problem 1:

Solve given polynomial equations.

5x^2 + 9 + 15x + 2x^2 + 4x + 10 + 3x


Step 1:

First we have to mingle terms x^2

5x^2 + 2x^2=7x^2

Step 2:

Now combine the terms x

15x + 4x + 3x = 22x

Step 3:

Then join the constants terms

9 + 10=19

Step 4:

Finally, combine all the terms

7x^2 + 22x +19

So, the final answer is 7x^2 + 22x +19

Probability – What is Mathematics education:

Example 2:

In a briefcase, there are 7 red color dresses and 3 blue color dresses and 6 white color dresses. Find the probability of choosing blue color and white color dresses?


Given, Number of red color dresses = 7

Number of blue color dresses = 3

Number of white color dresses = 6

So, Number of total outcomes should be,

7 + 3 + 6 = 16.

Therefore, the probability of choosing blue color dresses = `3/16`

Choosing white color dresses = `6/16.`

These are algebra and probability examples for what is mathematics education.

Looking out for more help on Quadratic Equations in algebra by visiting listed websites.

More Examples – What is Mathematics Education:

Set theory:

Given sets are, P = {17, 25, 36, 85} and R = {25, 52, 63, 85}

P∪R = {17, 25, 36, 85} ∪ {25, 52, 63, 85}

= {17, 25, 52, 63, 36, 85,}

P∩R = {17, 25, 36, 85} ∩ {25, 52, 63, 85}

= {25, 85}

Statistics – What is Mathematics Education:

Find the range for given values.

The given values are 52, 63, 70,21,52,10.


52, 63, 70,21,52,10.

In statistics, the range is defined as different between smallest value and biggest value.

In this given value, the smallest value is 10.

Then, the highest value is 70.

So, the range is,

Range = Highest value – smallest value

= 70 – 10.

= 60.

Range = 60.

These are examples for set theory and statistics for what is mathematics education.

That’s all about what is mathematics education.

Sunday, April 21

Mathematics Education Standards

Introduction to mathematics education standards:

The mathematics education include a different branches of unit conversions, algebra, subtraction, measurement, number sense, multiplication, functions, adding and subtraction of decimals, fractions & mixed numbers, division, algebra, geometry, median problems, algebra function, probability and statistics number using words decimals. This mathematics education supports all type of standards up to higher standards.

Example problems for Mathematics education standards:

Example 1:

Solve the quadratic equation `x^2 +5x + 6 =0`


`X^2 +5x +6 =0`

`X^2 +2x +3x + 6 =0`

` x(x +2) +3 (x +2) = 0`

`(x +2)(x + 3) =0`

`x + 2 = 0 `                   `x` ` + 3 =0`

`X = -2 `                      `X =-3`

Example 2:

Solve the quadratic equation `x^2 +4x + 4 =0`


` X^2 +4x +4 =0`

`X^2 +2x +2x + 4 =0`

` x(x +2) + 2(x +2) = 0`

`(x +2)(x + 2) =0`

`x + 2 = 0 `              ` x + 2 =0`

`X = -2 `                      `X =-2`

Example of polynomial exponent problems- Mathematics education standards:

Addition of polynomial exponent:

Two or more polynomials, adding the terms,

Suitable example adding polynomial exponent,


` (2x^2+3x^3)+(x^2+7x^3)`


The variable and exponent must be same then we add the polynomial exponent,


So the result is `=3x^2+10x^3`

Subtraction of polynomial exponent




The variable and exponent must be same then we subtract the polynomial exponent,

`=2x^2-4x^3 `

So the result is` =2x^2-4x^3 `

Adding polynomials- Mathematics education standards:

Example 1: Find the sum of `6x^2 + 7x + 16 and 1x - 3x^2 -4.`

Solution: By means properties of real numbers, we realize

`(6x^2 + 7x + 16) + (-3x^2 + 1x - 4) = 3x^2 + 7x + 1x + 16 - 4`

`= 3x^2 + 7x + 1x + 16 - 4`

`= 3x^2 + 8x + 12`

So the final result is `= 3x^2 + 8x + 12`

I have recently faced lot of problem while learning how to solve algebra problems, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

Examples for finite difference problem- Mathematics education standards:

Example 1: calculate the values of Δ`y` and dy if `y = f(x) = x^3 + x^2 - 2x + 1`

Where x changes (i) from `1 to 1.05` and (ii) from` 1 to 1.01`


(i) We have `f(1) = 1^3 + 1^2 - 2(1) + 1 = 1`

`f(1.05) = (1.05)^3 + (1.05)^2 - 2(1.05) + 1 = 1.15.`

and Δ`y = f(1.05)- f(1) = 0.15.`

in general `dy = f ^ 1(x) dx = (3x^2 + 2x - 2)dx`

When `x` ` = 1` , `dx = ` Δ`x =1 and dy = [(3(1)^2+2(1)-2] 1= 3`

(ii) `f(1.01) = (1.01)^3 - (1.01)^2 - 2(1.01) + 1 = -1.01`

∴ Δ`y = f(1.01) - f(1) = 1.99`

Tuesday, April 16

Mathematics Dealing With Functions

Introduction of mathematics dealing with functions:

The mathematics dealing with functions in the form of f(x) = 2x+3, we are assigning the value for variable x in the given function so that we can solve the functions  in math. Now we are given several values for variable x in the given function and finding the solution for each function. Example for s function is f(y)=19y+12,function f(2). Using the square equation solve a function rule  of f(x) = 2x2 +4x +28, function of f(2).

Example of mathematics dealing with functions:

f(2) = 2x+2 and  f(x) =` (x+2)/2` , here the variable of x is 2.

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Problems how to find mathematics dealing with functions in square equations

Problem 1 : Using  square equation find  the mathematics dealing with functions of f(9), when f(x) = `(x+2)/2` +2.

Solution : Here the variable is given as 9 find the function of f(9).

f(x) = `(x+2)/2` + 2 find the f(9)

The value of x is 9 is given

f(9) = ` (9+2)/2 ` + 2

f(9) =  `11/2 ` + 2

f(9) = 5.5+2

f(9) = 7.5

Problem 2 : Using  square equation find  the mathematics dealing with functions of f(8), when f(x) = `(x+3)/4` +12.

Solution :

Here the variable is given as 8 find the function notation of f(8).

f(x) =`(x+3)/4 ` +12 find the f(8)

The value of x is 8 is given

f(8) = `(8+3)/4 ` +12

f(8) = `(11)/4` +12

f(8) = 2.75 + 12

f(8) = 14.75

I have recently faced lot of problem while learning Limit Function, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

Problems in mathematics dealing with functions

Problems1: using mathematics dealing with functions of f(3),  When f(x ) = `(2(x+3))/8`


Using the function  f(3) in the constant function

f(x) =` (2x+6)/8`

f(3) = `(2xx3+6)/8 ` here substitute x value 3 in the given constant function

f(3) = `12/8.`

f(3) = 1.5

Problems 2: using mathematics dealing with functions of f(4). When f(x ) = `(2(x+6))/4`


Using function f(4) in the constant function

f(x) =  `(2(x+6))/4`

f(4) = `(2(x+6))/4` here substitute x value 4 in the given constant function

f(4) =` (2xx4+12)/4.`

f(4) = `(8+12)/4`

f(4) = `20/4`

f(4) = 5

Monday, April 15

Mathematics Four Operations

Introduction to four operations in mathematics:

In mathematics, the four basic arithmetic operations are used. They are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These four operations are simple method and each operation has inverse operations. The arithmetic operations are main aspects.  Now we are going to see about four operations in mathematics with examples.

Explanation for four operations in mathematics

The four basic arithmetic operations are,

Addition operation in mathematics:

The addition is one type of basic operation. It is added the numbers together. The addition operation is indicated by ‘+’ symbol. For example, add the numbers 2 and 3 as 2 + 3 = 5.

Subtraction in mathematics:

Subtraction is find the difference between the two numbers. The subtraction is indicated by ‘-‘ symbol. For example, subtract the 10 and 5 as 10 – 5 = 5. In subtraction, the small number is subtracted from large number.

Multiplication in mathematics:

In four mathematics operation, the multiplication is  one method. It is multiply the one number with other number. The multiplication is indicated by ‘x’ symbol. For example, multiply the 5 and 4 as 5 x 4 = 20. We can use the multiplication table in mathematics.

Division in mathematics:

Division is one type of arithmetic operation. It is indicated by ‘÷’ symbol.For example, divide the 8 by 2 as 8/2 = 4.

Understanding Percentage Change Formula is always challenging for me but thanks to all math help websites to help me out.

More about four operations in mathematics

Example problems for mathematics four operations:

Problem 1: Do the multiplication operation with 15 and 12.


The given numbers are 15 and 12.


12    x


3  0

1  5


1  8  0


The result of multiplication is 180.

Problem 2: Add the given two numbers 45 and 50.


The given two numbers are 45 and 50.

4 5

5 0 +


9 5


The result of addition is 95.

Exercise problems for four operations in mathematics:

1. Subtract the given numbers 60 and 43.

Answer: The result of subtraction is 17.

2. Divide the 120 by 3.

Answer: The result of division is 40.

Thursday, April 11

Primary 4 Mathematics


Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions. In mathematics, fourth graders are usually taught how to add and subtract common fractions and decimals. Long division is also generally introduced here, and addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers is extended to larger numbers. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Example problems for primary 4 mathematics :

Primary 4 mathematics – Addition problem:

There are 190 passengers in trains A and 168 passengers in trains B. How many passengers are there altogether in the two trains?


Passengers in car A = 190

Passengers in car B = 168

Passengers in car A + Passengers in car B

So, 190 + 168 = 358

There are 358 passengers altogether in the two taxis.

Primary 4 mathematics – Subtraction problem:

A fruit whole seller had 159 pomegranates. He sold 87 strawberries. How many pomegranate did he have left?


The total amount of pomegranate = 159 pomegranates.

Sold pomegranate = 87

Remaining pomegranates =?

So, 159 – 87 = 72

He had 72 pomegranates left.

Primary 4 mathematics - Multiplication problem:

There are 52 sapotas in each bag. How many are there in 12 bags?


So, 52 × 12 = 624

There are 624 pomegranates in 12 bags.

Primary 4 mathematics - Division problem:

Joseph bought a sack of 189 kg of flour. He has packed the flour equally into the 3 boxes. How many kilograms of flour were there in each boxes?


189 ÷ 3 = 63

There were 63 kg of flour in each boxes.

I have recently faced lot of problem while learning how to solve math word problems step by step, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

Practice problems for primary 4 mathematics :

1. There are 168 passengers in cars A and 158 passengers in cars B. How many passengers is there altogether in the two cars?

Answer: There are 326 passengers altogether in the two taxis.

2. A fruit whole seller had 259 Sapota. He sold 127 strawberries. How many Sapota did he have left?

Answer: He had 132 Sapota left.

3. There are 58 pomegranates in each bag. How many are there in 17 bags?

Answer: There are 986 pomegranates in 7 bags.

4. Clark bought a sack of 648 kg of flour. He has packed the flour equally into the 12 bags. How many kilograms of flour were there in each bag?

Answer:  There were 54 kg of flour in each bag.

Sunday, April 7

The History of Mathematics


Mathematics has its origin like other fields; it is developed because of needs of mankind. The history of mathematics evolved over era, they attain different changes during each and every period. According to the needs of the people, it is developed over every period. The introduction to history of mathematics is significant and it is developed through various stages. The mathematics is applicable and essential in all fields.

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The introduction to history of mathematics as follows,

Indians North of Mexico Mathematics:

Pythagoras theorem evolved first in the name of Pythagoras, it was the first introduction. American Mathematics was not systematic, structured, symbolic, or there was no attributes of modern mathematics.

Mathematics of Egyptian and Babylonian:

Egyptian mathematics, there was a hundreds of temples which shows collections of mathematical problems with their solutions. They consist of applied problems for the benefit of young students.

Babylonian mathematics had a complex introduction. During this period, interpolation of tables solving nonlinear equations and square roots are evolved.

Greek Mathematics:

In Greek mathematics, axioms, prime numbers and number theory were evolved.

Islamic Mathematics:

In Islamic Mathematics, algebra was evolved during the period of greatest contributor’s al-Khwarizmi, said to be Father of Algebra.'

The Medieval Period of Mathematics:

In this period, universities were developed and there was introduction to gradual development begins in development of mathematics.

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Mathematics of the Renaissance:

Following the medieval period, mathematics begins to develop in the 15th century. Mathematical education as an important component for their survival. They begin to use the algebra developed in their own style. The first country adopted was Italians.

The Transition Period Mathematics:

In this period, Arithmetic calculus was in use. Calculus was flourished in this period. New ideas of mathematics were developed during this period of sixteenth and seventeenth century.

Mathematic Calculus

In this period, exponent’s rule of powers was developed. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of polynomials were came into use.

The Riemann Integral:

In this period, continuity, regress integration, set and measure theory, transfinite, harmonic, functional analysis are carried out. Lead to way for modern mathematics.

Algebra and Number Theory:

In this period, algebra and number theory came into use which was discovered by Fermat and Euler.

History of Infinity:

Concept of history of Infinity was evolved during this period.

Tuesday, April 2

Mathematics Course 3 Answers

Introduction to mathematics course 3 answers:

The subject mathematics course 3  include a different branches of unit conversion, algebra, measurement, number sense, multiplication, functions, adding and subtraction of decimals, fractions & mixed numbers, division, algebra, geometry, median problems, algebra function, probability and statistics number using words decimals. This mathematics course 3 answers supports all type of standards up to higher standards.

Example problems - mathematics course 3 answers:

Problem on functions- mathematics course 3 answers:

Example problem1:

To find the function of` f(x) = x^2+2x+3,` when `x=2.`


`f(x) = x^2+2x+3`

`f(2) = 2^2+2(2)+3`

`f(2)= 4+4+3`


Answer is `11.`

Example problem2:

To find the function of `f(x) = x^2+2x+3` , when `x=3.`


`f(x) = x^2+2x+3`

`f(2) = 3^2+2(3)+3`

`f(2)= 9+6+3`


Answer is `18.`

Example problem3:

To find the function of `f(x) = x^2+2x-3, ` when `x=2.`


`f(x) = x^2+2x-3`

`f(2) = 2^2+2(2)-3`

`f(2)= 4+4-3`


Answer is `5.`

Problems- Mathematics course 3 answers:

Example 1:

Simplify `x^2 -29xy - x + 29y. `


The terms do not have a common factor. However, we classify that the expressions can be combined as follows:

`X^2 -29xy - x + 29y = (x^2 -29xy) - (x-29y)`

`= x(x -29y) + (-1) (x-29y)`

`= (x -29y) [x + (-1)]`

`= (x -29y) (x - 1).`

So the final answer is `(x -29y) (x - 1).`


To solve the equation:

`(-10x - 4) - (7x - 8) = (-10x - 4) - 7x + 8`

` = -10x-4- 7x + 8`


So the final result is `-17x+4`

Is this topic Alternate Interior Angle Theorem hard for you? Watch out for my coming posts.

Practice problems- Mathematics course 3 answers:


Find the equivalent fraction of `11/5`

Result:` 22/10`


To solve the equation:

`(-x - 2) - (8x - 5)`

Result: `-9x+3`


To find slope intercept of line equation `x - 9y = 8`

Result: slope `1/9` , intercept `-8/9.`

Mathematics Algebra

Introduction to mathematics algebra:

In mathematics algebra plays a major role which deals with solving any kind of basic math problems. Algebraic operations are widely used in mathematics which is essential to solve any kind of problems. In mathematics algebraic variable are represented with the help of English alphabets and integers present in the algebraic expressions are considered as constants. In mathematics algebraic expression includes real numbers, complex numbers, matrices etc. The following are the example problems for algebra mathematics.

Algebra example problems:

Example 1: Solve the algebraic expression

2(u -3) + 4v - 2(u -v -3) + 5


Given algebraic expression is

2(u -3) + 4v - 2(u -v -3) + 5

Multiplying the integer terms

= 2u - 6 + 4v -2u + 2v + 6 + 5

Now grouping the above terms we get

= 6v + 5 is the solution

Example 2:

Calculate the y intercept of the graph of the line equation

2x - 4y = 16


Given equation is

2x - 4y = 16

To calculate the y intercept we set x = 0 and solve for y.

0 – 4y = 16

Solve for y.

y = - 16 / 4

Y = - 4

The y intercept is at the point (0 , - 4).

Example 3:

Evaluate f(2) - f(1) on the line, The given line function is f(u) = 6u + 1


Given function is

f(u) = 6u + 1

f(2) - f(1) is given by.

f(2) - f(1) = (6*2 + 1) - (6*1 + 1)

f(2) - f(1) = 6

Example 4:

Find out the slope of the line that the given points (3, 4) and

(5, 8).


Given the points are (3, 4) and (5, 8), the slope formula m is given as

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

m = (8 - 4) / (5 - 3)

m = 4/2

m = 2

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Algebra practice problems:

The exercise problems in algebra are given below for practice.

1) Determine the distance between the points (2, 3) and (8, 11) on the line.

Answer: Distance (d) = 10

2)  Evaluate f(4) - f(2) on the line, The given line function is f(u) = 4u + 2

Answer: f(4) - f(2) = 8