Tuesday, April 16

Mathematics Dealing With Functions

Introduction of mathematics dealing with functions:

The mathematics dealing with functions in the form of f(x) = 2x+3, we are assigning the value for variable x in the given function so that we can solve the functions  in math. Now we are given several values for variable x in the given function and finding the solution for each function. Example for s function is f(y)=19y+12,function f(2). Using the square equation solve a function rule  of f(x) = 2x2 +4x +28, function of f(2).

Example of mathematics dealing with functions:

f(2) = 2x+2 and  f(x) =` (x+2)/2` , here the variable of x is 2.

Please express your views of this topic Exponential Function Rules by commenting on blog.

Problems how to find mathematics dealing with functions in square equations

Problem 1 : Using  square equation find  the mathematics dealing with functions of f(9), when f(x) = `(x+2)/2` +2.

Solution : Here the variable is given as 9 find the function of f(9).

f(x) = `(x+2)/2` + 2 find the f(9)

The value of x is 9 is given

f(9) = ` (9+2)/2 ` + 2

f(9) =  `11/2 ` + 2

f(9) = 5.5+2

f(9) = 7.5

Problem 2 : Using  square equation find  the mathematics dealing with functions of f(8), when f(x) = `(x+3)/4` +12.

Solution :

Here the variable is given as 8 find the function notation of f(8).

f(x) =`(x+3)/4 ` +12 find the f(8)

The value of x is 8 is given

f(8) = `(8+3)/4 ` +12

f(8) = `(11)/4` +12

f(8) = 2.75 + 12

f(8) = 14.75

I have recently faced lot of problem while learning Limit Function, But thank to online resources of math which helped me to learn myself easily on net.

Problems in mathematics dealing with functions

Problems1: using mathematics dealing with functions of f(3),  When f(x ) = `(2(x+3))/8`


Using the function  f(3) in the constant function

f(x) =` (2x+6)/8`

f(3) = `(2xx3+6)/8 ` here substitute x value 3 in the given constant function

f(3) = `12/8.`

f(3) = 1.5

Problems 2: using mathematics dealing with functions of f(4). When f(x ) = `(2(x+6))/4`


Using function f(4) in the constant function

f(x) =  `(2(x+6))/4`

f(4) = `(2(x+6))/4` here substitute x value 4 in the given constant function

f(4) =` (2xx4+12)/4.`

f(4) = `(8+12)/4`

f(4) = `20/4`

f(4) = 5

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